Through our partnership with Bridgepoint Capital, a joint venture enables uniquely affordable buy-now-pay-later financing options for roasters and importers. And we ensure service providers and farmers get paid fairly and quickly.
No matter where you are from, the table represents more than just a place to eat or drink. It's around tables that we so often gather and grow as community. It's around tables that we are exposed to new ideas and lessons learned. It's around tables that we learn values and even resolve conflict. Why then would we not bridge the worlds between production and consumption of our nourishment?
Hear our storyCEO + Founder
President of Coffee + Founder
COO + Founder
Sales + Brand
Coffee Sourcing + Impact
Farmer Relations
System Admin
Special Project Manager
Farmer Relations
Turns out, doing right by people at the foundation of the value chain is also good for business.
The state of being thankful
The state of being humble.
The job of caretaking.
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